Regional Postgraduate Course in International Security, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation




Registration is now open for the Regional Postgraduate Course in International Security, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, which for the seventh consecutive year is being held by the Nonproliferation for Global Security Foundation (NPSGlobal), based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The Regional Postgraduate Course in International Security, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation is considered as a top-level educational offer by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs.

Launched in 2010, the objective of this initiative is to form specialists in global security, disarmament and nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, endowing them with a comprehensive vision and a solid foundation of knowledge regarding the many related disciplines, as well as with the ability to stand out in the most challenging and competitive international arenas.

The course, which is international in nature, is conceived in such a way so as to allow the participants to profit by sharing experiences regarding the realities in the different countries.

It is based in Buenos Aires, and delivered in Spanish. Assistance is given to allow the participation of persons whose native language is Portuguese.

It is a multi-disciplinary course with an important practical component, empowering participants with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully address the most important subjects related to global security.

It is especially oriented to:

  • Government officials belonging to the Presidency, the Foreign Ministry, the Defense and Security ministries, and other related departments, of the different countries.
  • Representatives of the legislative branch of government and their advisors.
  • Military and civilian personnel of the armed forces and security forces.
  • Personnel of organisms dealing with the prevention and response to public emergencies, and related technical organisms.
  • Representatives before international organisms.
  • Members of political organizations, academics, teachers, NGOs, businessmen and journalists from different news media.
  • University graduates interested in undertaking a career as specialists in disarmament and nonproliferation.

For more information about the Regional Postgraduate Course visit NPSGlobal Foundation website.