The Secretariat of OPANAL welcomes the signing of the Peace Agreement in Colombia


Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia


The Secretariat of the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (OPANAL) welcomes the announcement of the signing of the Acuerdo Final para la Terminación del Conflicto y la Construcción de una Paz Estable y Duradera between Colombia Government and Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP), on August 24, 2016 in Havana, Cuba.

The Secretariat of OPANAL considers that this important agreement, which ends more than 50 years of internal conflict in one of the Member States of the Agency, is a historic event for the region, which was proclaimed as a Zone of Peace by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in 2014.

The Secretariat, a Latin American and Caribbean organization dedicated to peace, is pleased with the agreement signed and expresses its confidence in the success of the efforts that will continue with a view to achieving the social peace and stability that Colombians deserve.

OPANAL is the intergovernmental organization composed of all the 33 States of the region. The Agency is responsible for ensuring compliance with the obligations of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco), that will fulfil 50 years on February 14, 2017.

Mexico City, on August 25, 2016.